Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to eject CD drive in OS X

Press F12 for a few seconds.

Then (hopefully) your CD (or DVD) drive will eject.

Wait, why is this considered "not in the manual" ?

Well, today I had to insert a DVD into my optical drive but its physical eject button was not working anymore.

Since I was booted into OS X at the time, I decided to look around for any sign of said optical drive.

But no. Nada. Zip.

This simple & intuitive task in Windows & Linux proved to be surprisingly complicated in OS X. Funny (well ... not at the time though).

So, I went to the Terminal and typed :

eject /dev/cdrom

It replied saying "eject" wasn't found. True enough, the following returned zilch :

find / -name 'eject' -print

Finally succumbed and Googled instead. Then stumbled upon the F12 trick.

Of course once the optical drive isn't empty, then only Finder displays it as a mounted drive !

This, from a premium priced boutique OS :/

I have other gripes concerning OS X but I'll save it for later (... the fan boys are everywhere)