Monday, July 28, 2008

Using BETWEEN in an EJB3 query

Say if you have an EJB3 entity bean named Landmark which is mapped to a table called landmarks which has 2 columns longitude & latitude (amongst others). To query a given latitude & longitude, its a good idea to relax the query a bit by using BETWEEN.

An example is shown below where we allow a tolerance of 0.00003 for both latitude & longitude. The sample shown is an excerpt from an EJB3 entity bean, right before its class declaration.

@Table(name = "landmarks")
@NamedQueries( {
name = "Landmark.findByCoordinates",
query = "SELECT lgr FROM Landmark lgr " +
"WHERE lgr.latitude BETWEEN (?1 - 0.00003) AND (?1 + 0.00003) " +
"AND lgr.longitude BETWEEN (?2 - 0.00003) AND (?2 + 0.00003) ")
public class Landmark implements Serializable {

Convert NMEA latitude & longitude to decimal

Here's how you convert latitude & longitude obtained from NMEA's GPGGA to decimal:

latitude0302.7846903 + (02.78469/60) = 3.046412
longitude10141.82531101 + 41.82531/60) = 101.6971

Notice that for latitude of 0302.78469,

03 ==> degress. counted as is

02.78469 ==> minutes. divide by 60 before adding to degrees above

Hence, the decimal equivalent is:

03 + (02.78469/60) = 3.046412